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Inventory of Pedestrian and Bicycle Lane Network at the State Road Network Scheduled for 2020

2019 12 05

The Lithuanian Road Administration under the Ministry of Transport and Communications (the Road Administration) has started planning of the state road pedestrian and bicycle lane network. The inventory of the network shall be completed in 2020, which will result in compiling priority lists of the network‘s construction and repair works.

According to the Director of the Lithuanian Road Administration Vitalijus Andrejevas, currently, the infrastructure is managed by the Road Administration, municipalities and in certain cases by private physical and legal entities.

To use the funds of the Road Maintenance and Development Programme effectively, comprehensive information about pedestrian and bicycle lane infrastructure at the state road network shall be collected. ‘Extensive information about the infrastructure will enable to plan construction, repair and reconstruction of the network and to set priorities for works’, says Mr V. Andrejevas.

According to the contract signed by companies Inžinerinis projektavimas and Projkelva, the collected data will be entered into the State Road Information System (LAKIS). The contract value is 49 thousand euros.

At present, the Road Administration manages almost 1,950 km of pedestrian and bicycle lanes.