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Information on Traffic Conditions at eismoinfo.lt 24/7

2021 01 13

As winter weather has come, road users shall observe the changing traffic and road conditions. Due to the ongoing lockdown it is recommended to avoid unnecessary travel; however, in case of urgent need road users shall behave mindfully on the road. The website of SE Lithuanian Road Administration presents the latest information on the road obstacles, traffic restrictions, accidents and ongoing road repair works, weight, width, height limits as well as information for heavy goods vehicles on toll roads and location of EV charging stations in text and on the map.

The procedure of winter maintenance operations on state significance roads as well as information on the level of maintenance applied to each concrete road may be found on the map at www.eismoinfo.lt. Drivers themselves may inform about the poor condition of a state road or enquire about traffic conditions by telephone:  1871,  +370 5 232 9677, +370 615 49300; e-mail: or . The Traffic Information Centre works 24/7.

Currently, special attention is paid to winter weather conditions that directly impact on road traffic conditions. Most data is received from 127 Road Weather Stations (RWS) installed on the state road network. These devices with sensors measure various parameters necessary to identify road and traffic condition (road pavement surface temperature, weather temperature and relative humidity, wind direction, speed and strength, intensity and type of precipitation, visibility, road pavement condition, frost depth and other parameters).

Every day, based on the obtained data the Traffic Information Centre prepares reports on the latest road and traffic conditions and presents it to society. In winter such reports are released four times a day and more often if necessary.

The Traffic Information Centre was established in 2011 when the first state significance road traffic information system was created in the Baltic countries. The key goal of the mentioned system is a possibility for all road users and road maintenance companies to use various related traffic data.